Akan Twi Guide -The Best Twi App for your android device

Akan Twi Guide Application (Twi App)

Akan Twi Guide App
Akan Twi Guide Application

Are you looking for the best android Twi App? An app to help you learn Akan Twi? Well, let me introduce you to the Akan Twi Guide android application.

An app which can be described as the best Twi app should have some features like the following:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Audio
  3. Quizzes

Now let’s talk about these features one after the other.


Twi Vocabulary
Twi vocabulary

Since every language has a vocabulary, there has to be a lot. Now the learn Akan Twi app has a lot. Also, it will continually be updated. Furthermore, there is a search feature that enables you to search through all the listed vocabulary. It currently has more vocabulary than any other android Twi application.


Now let’s talk a bit about audio. It is a different thing knowing the word and a different thing altogether knowing how to pronounce it. Also knowing how to pronounce it as the natives do can be quite a different thing.  The Akan Twi Guide application has an audio feature that makes you tap on the Twi word and you hear a clear sound from a native speaker.

The emphasis here is on clear, native pronunciations that other similar applications simply lack. Therefore this will help you master not only the words but also the pronunciation. So this is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to learn Twi.


Twi Quiz
Twi Vocabulary Quiz

Since learning a new language or improving on a language is not at all easy, it is often good to test how good you are doing. Now the Akan Twi Guide has quizzes for almost every category. It also has a much general quiz section which is across categories. Consequently, you can practice and practice with these quizzes to see how much you are absorbing.

Conclusion: The Best Twi App

In order to improve your Twi, download the application from the play store. You will have access to lots of vocabulary, native accent audio and quizzes to help you master the language.